Everyone who has pets has faced such a problem as proper care of animals.
Who is a groomer, and what is grooming in this life becomes known to more and more people. With a lot of desire and zeal, you can learn to take care of your dog's fur, however, you will have to find time and spend money on the tool. But, unfortunately, the current pace of life for the majority does not provide an opportunity to find time for this. What to do in this case? Of course, contact a professional.
Grooming - this is the hygienic care for the animal, and the groomer - the parihopher of domestic animals. The range of provided groomer services is quite wide. You will get a professionally washed, dried, combed (without collars) pet. And also your dog or other pet will trim claws, clean ears and teeth, will necessarily give all advice on caring for the hair and necessary cosmetics. Again I repeat, some owners find time for their animals, learn and care for it. However, the final and main result of visiting the groom is a haircut. Grumer make happy four-legged friends and a real manicure! The result of the work of professionals, at times, is amazing!
I am glad to present to your attention an interview with a professional groomer - Nadezhda Trofimova from Moscow.
- Grumer is a rare profession, can you tell us what it is?
First and foremost, the groomer is a person who knows the dog's anatomy, who can visually emphasize virtues and at the same time hide the shortcomings of a dog with a haircut. A person is not just a scissor-holder, but a creative person, who follows the trends of fashionable lines in haircuts around the world. A professional can cut a dog for both home and top level exhibitions such as: Craft, World Championship, Europe, etc.
- Hope, do you remember your very first haircut? Tell us about your first experience.
I always liked to watch how our first poodlechik Labin Glen (Bink) was sheared, and one day the curiosity took up and I took the small scissors and started with great zeal to cut her hair on the paws and between the pads. For this painstaking occupation, my mother saw me and decided to send me to a haircut course.
- Where and from whom did you learn to cut?
At first I studied at the courses at the club "Delta-PAL", which led Elena Koshkina, at one time she cut our dogs to the shows. After the courses I spent a year or a year and a half honing my skills on puppies and our no longer exhibition dogs. When I felt the scissors and lines, I began to take the lessons of advanced training from the best master of haircutting poodles - Galina Alekseeva.
- What kind of haircut do you like to do most?
Of course, the Scandinavian Lion. This haircut gives a lot of space for creativity.
- Anatomy in dogs is not always ideal ... ..Did you choose haircuts individually for each dog?
If this dog is going to exhibitions, then yes. If it's a pet, I always suggest the dog owners some nuances to hide the flaw, but it all depends on the desire of the owner.
- What determines the structure of the dog's coat?
Basically, from genetics and hair care, but with the amount of cosmetics that exists in our market, almost everything can be fixed.
- How does the feeding of dogs affect the coat?
Proper nutrition is the main thing for any living being. It all depends on it: both the coat and the overall health of the dog.
- What should the owner of a long-haired show dog learn?
The dog should be combed regularly. Dust and dirt make the wool very dry and brittle, because of this it is more bald, it is difficult to comb and break, so it is better to wash the exhibition dog every 2 weeks with a good soft shampoo and rinse with moisturizing balm. It is desirable to wash white dogs more often.
- What kind of rocks do you like to work with most?
I like working with one of the most difficult breeds in grooming - a poodle.
- Dogs, like children with mom and dad, behave inadequately. They, like everyone else, need another aunt. How do you deal with inadequate individuals?
Insist on your own and not succumb to the provocations of the dog: "Oh, Mom, maybe we will not scratch here, but it hurts me very much." Always finish what you started by removing from the room (salon) all sympathetic relatives who begin to groan and sigh with the dog.
- Do you prefer standard haircuts for small dogs or do you usually improvise?
I like standard haircuts more. I improvise if the owners of the dog are asked to cut it: "Shorter, so that it stains the paws less so that the feet do not freeze, so that they do not flutter here," but this is just for pets.
- In the Soviet era, the choice of canine cosmetics was minimal. What cosmetics for your dogs and customers is most preferable for you?
For every day I use Iv san Bernard cosmetics. It completely corresponds to the price-quality, and also it is practically in any shop. Exhibition cosmetics is a special case, I always have a lot of different companies with different properties. I give more preference to the cosmetics of the following companies: Chris Christansen, Plush Puppy, Crown Roya, Summerwinds.
- How often do new services appear on the beauty market for animals?
Grow as mushrooms after the rain. Recently there are running tracks, spa- procedures, coloring, perfumes for dogs, fur coats ... You can list it for a long time, but soon this list will be supplemented with new and new delights.
- Often the dog becomes a cause of allergies in children ...... Your recommendations?
When you are going to start a puppy, make an agreement with the breeder that you will come with a child. Nobody will deny you this. If a child among dogs does not immediately give an allergy, then you will be the happy owner of a faithful loyal friend.
- What do you do to ensure that your clients are yours forever?
I try to always do my job on 5+
- How, in your opinion, is grooming a craft, and how much art?
50/50, you can even say that this skillful craft
Inna Demkiv
(Tallinn-Moscow, January 2010)
Photo by Victoria Abramova (Voronezh)