Article published in the international Internet newspaper "PARTY PUDEL"
My first dwarf poodle I bought in 1986. Silvery bitch - a great show dog and producer, it marked the beginning of my love for this wonderful breed - a poodle. In 1994 we registered the cattery "GENTLY BORN". Today we have in the breeding of that and dwarf poodles of all colors: white, black, brown, silver, apricot, red.
Over 100 champions have been made over the years. The first two puppies of a poodle of unusual harlequin color were purchased in 2007 and they decorated our color range with poodle colors. Our cattery went to the National Poodle Club of Russia with the initiative to adopt the color of the harlequin poodle, as official for our country, showed our first dwarf poodles harlequin color.
President of the National Club Yu.N.Shchuko supported us and began a painstaking work. The documents in force in Germany were kindly given to the National Club by the President of the VDP by Mr. B.Peterburs. The Presidium of the NPK considered the issue of applying to the RKF for permission to breed and participate in these dogs in official cynological events in Russia. In January 2008, RKF officially recognized two very interesting colors of the poodle - harlequin and black end tan. The standard adopted in Germany is taken as a basis.
The first official litter of harlequin color puppies was received in our cattery, it is registered in the All-Russian breeding book. At the All-Russia exhibition of the DELTA-PAL club in Moscow on April 12, 2008, the harlequin poodles were first officially exhibited in Russia. Their presentation was held. All 5 poodles of this color - 1 large, 3 dwarf poodles and 1 that poodle, received the highest ratings of highly professional experts E.Erusalimskaya and N.Maslennikova. The first champions of Russia and the National Club were dwarf poodles of our kennel Chess King (US imports), Beauty Gently Born and large poodle Gwendolin Glorius Souvenir (US imports). The unusually smart harlequin poodle color is gaining popularity very quickly in Russia, in the spring of 2008 we bought 3 more puppies in the leading nurseries for breeding Harlequin of America and Germany, left for the exhibition and breeding of the girl that poodle from our first litter - Gently Born Tanzania.
In autumn we will start showing them at exhibitions. In the leading cynological publications of Russia "The Cat and the Dog" and "The Friend" the first articles with stories about the first exhibition victories of harlequin poodles, about the formation of color and its popularization have already appeared. Our first dwarf poodles harlequin for 2 years now and with confidence you can predict a great future for this interesting and cheerful color!