Poodle - one of the oldest breeds of dogs. There is no unanimous opinion about its origin, for many centuries there have been disputes about the homeland of the poodle, its ancestors, the process of breeding. Most scientists believe that the poodle originates from several countries and is the product of crossing several breeds of dogs that have shaggy long curly wool of equal length throughout the body, and differ from each other in size. These breeds of dogs were shepherds, and hunting (barbet), and water (Portuguese water dog). Among the ancestors of the poodle are called barbet, maltese, water spaniels, retrievers, pugilists and greyhounds.
The first images of lion-like or poodle-like dogs are found already in the 30-ies BC. on bas-reliefs of Roman tombs and on Greek and Roman coins. Images of the poodle XIIi and XIIv. You can also see in the pictures of the columns of the monastery of Mon Reale in Sicily and the paintings of the cathedral of the abbey of Saint-Remy in France. In the XV century images of dogs with a lion's haircut are found in the works of Dutch and Flemish artists. In the XVI century. the first mention of the poodle in Central Europe appears, by this time poodle-shaped dogs were already common in all countries of continental Europe and in England. In France, where the breed is considered national, there were several varieties of the poodle: barbet, French cane, which was used for duck hunting and a "truffle dog", searching for mushrooms valuable in cooking.
A huge amount of evidence suggests that during the formation of the breed poodles were taken out for the toe game with water. The long curly wool kept the heat well, protected the chest of the dog from the effects of cold and injuries, but hampered the movement of the hind limbs. To ease the work, the dogs began to shear.
Hairdressing art developed in Europe XVIII-XIX centuries, at this time began to appear the first salons for dogs and the first groomer. To dictate fashion on hairstyles began France, which is now recognized as the country of origin of the breed and holder of the standard.
Its current name poodle received in the Baroque times, the word pudel comes from the German pudeln ("splashing"). In the standard of the breed, the French name caniche is used.
At the end of the XIX century fans of purebred breeding began to organize the first clubs of dogs and make standards of breeds. The first standards of the poodle appeared in England in 1886 and in Germany in 1904. In each of the countries the breeding went its own way, which led to the appearance of different types of poodle. In England and the United States preferred a long head and a thin skeleton, in Germany they brought out a sturdier, heavier type, with a broad head. After the Second World War, in countries such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, the breeding was based on German lines, while in other countries of Europe imports from England were used.
In 1936, the standard of the French poodle club was recognized as the official standard of the breed. The latest version was released in 2007.
In Russia, the breed became widespread in the XIX century in the homes of the Russian intelligentsia and aristocracy. Poodle was a favorite dog of artists, artists, writers. Basically, these were large poodles of Russian breeding, but there were also small varieties imported from Europe. In 1874, the first dog shows were held in Moscow, in 1886 the Society for Breeding Dog Breeds was established in St. Petersburg, in 1890 the Department of Blood Dog Breeding appeared. At first the data of the society was only occupied by hunting dogs, but after the revolution, sections of indoor breeds were organized with hunting clubs.
After the Patriotic War in Moscow, at the club of official dog breeding DOSAAF, the "Royal Poodle" section was created, and in 1967 a section of lovers of small and dwarf poodles appeared.
All-Union Poodle Club, which included poodle clubs in 24 cities of the USSR, was established in 1989. In 1993 it was renamed the Union Poodle clubs and incorporated into the RKF. In 1996, the SEC became the National Breed Club.