Some tips for choosing a puppy of that poodle and dwarf poodle.


The most important thing is to choose a healthy dog, with good genetic data.

So do not spare the time to find and choose the future pet!
Puppy, of course, it is better to buy in a nursery that values ​​its reputation, and certainly not to buy in the market. Most often there are puppies without a pedigree, received at random. Probability to get a healthy puppy, moreover, so that he turned out to be that poodle, is very small. If the breeder claims that at the age of 2 months for 1000 dollars you will get a champion, and for 500 - only an "honors pupil", run without looking back - this is a charlatan. No self-respecting breeder will say so. Define a show perspective at this age is simply not possible. On the quality of the dog show with the greatest certainty can be judged from 4-6 months, and give exhibition guarantees only to the grown that poodle. The year already shows the final growth, the exterior, the number of teeth. Choosing a puppy of that poodle is a special problem. This variety is in the making, so in one litter can be that poodle, dwarf poodle and even a small poodle. So, one fact of a puppy's birth from two poodles is not enough. On the other hand, there are cases of the birth of puppies of that poodle from two dwarf poodles. Moreover, nothing about the weight and size of the puppy at birth. Very small puppies, born with a weight of 60-70 g, successfully grow into a dwarf poodle, and a tough bear weighing 150-180 g produces that poodle. At the time of activation in 45 days the puppies may also be different.

Any poorly fed pup is like that poodle. In addition, in multipart litters puppies are small, then gain weight and reach a genetically programmed size. The temporary lag in growth at the time of actinization may be associated, for example, with the inflammatory process after arresting the tail, occluding the proxinal glands, the presence of worms, and many others. In the future, such puppies reach their normal size. If there is one or two puppies in the litter, they are more likely to be large enough, but this will not prevent them from becoming that poodle. A more reliable forecast can be made in 4-5 months, when the main growth stops. But, there are cases when the jump in growth occurred in 8 - 9 months. More often it happens to males.

Buying a small 1.5 - 2 month old puppy, no one is immune from the fact that he grows out of that poodle in a dwarf poodle. 28 cm - that poodle, 29 - 30 cm - dwarf poodle. Is it possible to guess this difference in 1 - 2 cm! The exception is the old type of poodles, which are obtained as a result of breeding "within themselves," crossing very small, in fact non-exhibiting, poodles of different colors. We must not forget that there are unscrupulous breeders who specifically undernourished puppies. In this case, they remain very small for a long time, but, getting in normal conditions, they gain weight and growth. Usually, such "experts", then they say that the puppy has outgrown that poodle, because its owners are not properly fed.

If you want to buy yourself just that poodle for the soul, not having in mind the exhibition and breeding, then first of all choose a healthy and intelligent puppy from the litter from that poodle or dwarf poodle, the main thing from healthy parents and from honest hands, plus a minus 2-3 cm do not matter. That poodle, dwarf poodle - newborn puppies ...
