How to prepare a dog for the exhibition?


An exhibition of dogs is a beauty contest. And in order to take prizes, participants should not only look good, but also be able to do many other things, which makes up a whole science, which requires a lot of effort, time and patience to comprehend.

На выставке. Фокстерьеры, фото собаки фотография

At the exhibition. Fox Terriers, photo dogs photo
Previously, we did not attach much importance to the ability of a dog to stick well in the ring, and its assessment was practically independent of this. Had even bitten the experts. However, times are changing, and requirements for the level of exhibitions have increased significantly. Naturally, the quality of the animal's preparation was not disregarded. Despite the fact that experienced handlers have their own, only known methods, the main points of exhibition training should be learned by everyone.

Starting work in this direction, it is very important to pay attention to both technical and psychological aspects of training. It happens that a young dog, ideally performing all the commands at home, is lost in unfamiliar surroundings and becomes poorly controlled. To avoid this, it is necessary to psychologically prepare the animal for such changes.

The first thing you will need is to accustom the puppy to the society of grown-up, well-educated dogs. This will have a positive effect on its further development. As the puppy grows up, going out with him to the street, try to change the usual routes of walks as often as possible, sometimes (naturally, the dog should be on a leash) visiting crowded places. Of course, this must be done gradually, without introducing sharp changes in the usual way of life of the animal.

The best one and the dwarf poodle is the owner of the nursery Gently Born. 09.10.11 "Russia-2011"
Another, equally important point, is the ability to properly prepare a dog for the ring. Beginning at about two months of age, it's time to teach the puppy to stand properly - that is, on command to take the exhibition stand. To do this, you must put the baby on a flat surface every day (if your puppy is small breed, then in the case on the table). Make sure that his front paws stand straight and parallel to each other, and the rear ones are placed in a small step. It is very important that the kid should stand steadily, without hunching, with his head held high. Of course, it is impossible to immediately achieve this effect, and overly strengthened training can easily discourage him from the future desire to participate in the exhibition. At such a tender age the puppy becomes very tired very quickly, and therefore one should not try to put it in the rack for longer than one or two seconds. Be persistent and patient with him. Do not try to scold or slap the baby if it does not work. And do not forget to praise him, offering a treat for every correctly performed exercise.

As your pet understands what is required of them, and learns the first lesson, gradually increase the time of training. It is necessary to work out the puppy's endurance. Somewhere by the age of nine months, he must be able to stand motionless for about a minute. For a qualitative working out of a rack to be engaged with the puppy it is necessary not only in house conditions, but also in the street, in the presence of various stimuli. More often ask your friends to play the role of an expert: examine the puppy, touch his back, chest, limbs, look at his teeth. Remember that the bite of the dog is shown with the mouth closed, just opening your lips.

Карликовые пудели, фото собака на выставке, фотография выставки собак

Pygmy poodles, photo dog at the exhibition, photo of the dog show. Beginning with 5-6 months of age, start training the dog in the right way. Do not immediately force her to run next to you fast "trot". At first, you only need to train the animal to walk on the left side of you on a leash along a large circle against the clockwise direction, stopping periodically.

(When teaching the dog the right way, do not use a strict collar (even if the animal is large-breeded.) Having become accustomed to metal spikes, the dog will ignore the usual leather collar or stranglehold. It can be a thin chain, leather or silk lace).

At first the puppy will go unevenly, often stumbling, but eventually it will pass. If your pet does not want to go on a leash, will rest against the ground, then try to turn learning into a game. It is possible that a stubborn baby will run alongside you happily, if a delicacy constantly flaunts his nose, which he will invariably receive from time to time. Remember that any dog ​​should be approached individually.

After the animal learns the movement by step on a leash, it moves to the "trot" movement. To facilitate further training, you can accustom the puppy to the team "trotting", clearly pronouncing it before the movement. The first time the movement should be slow, at the border with a step. Over time, increase his pace, leading to a quick, sweeping "trot". To train best on a flat dirt road or asphalt road. After a long run, you do not have to stop the animal abruptly. Be sure to take just five minutes by step. Do not forget to constantly praise and encourage your four-legged friend.

Try as often as possible to exhibit a dog in the junior class, and not only at major exhibitions. The puppy must gain experience, so that in the future it would be easier for you to perform at the most prestigious events.

Going into the ring, do not be nervous, otherwise your excitement will necessarily be passed on to the dog, and she will not be able to show a good result. During the movement in the ring, move the hand with the leash slightly to the side (slightly forward or backward). This is necessary in order not to accidentally step on your pet's puppy's paws or long hair. In addition, try not to pull a strong leash. Make sure that your ward is always on the half-body in front or behind you.

To come to the exhibition should be in advance in order to be comfortable with the dog, find out where your ring is and when the examination will begin. You will have time to comb your dog, and give her a little rest before the competition. Going into the ring, keep the dog on a loose, but short leash, so that she can not come close to competitors. Do not let her bark. Take care of the judge to see your pet well, but at the same time, do not cover other dogs from him. Focus on your own dog, not forgetting to watch the judge at the same time. This will give you an opportunity - while the judge examines other exhibitors - to relax yourself and give the same opportunity to your dog. However, be prepared to get your pet to take the exhibition pose at the moment the judge looks in your direction. During refereeing, never argue with an expert, otherwise you may be disqualified and removed from participation in exhibitions for a while.

Source: Olga Degteva, newspaper "Zoo Boom"
